"Whereas with a white diamond, it's a little bit harder to get that overall knockout look without spending more on a larger stone. "Sapphires stand out and make a statement instantly, whether it's a one-carat or a five-carat stone," says Ali Galgano, founder of Serpentine Jewels.

They're also an instant conversation starter, thanks to their color variety (more on this below). Unlike some other gemstones, which can be soft and easily damaged, sapphires are almost as hard as diamonds and will stand up to the wear and tear of everyday use. Yes, sapphires make good engagement rings. Sapphire Engagement Ring 101 Are Sapphires Good for Engagement Rings? Kings even wore them when they signed treaties as a symbol of good luck. A representation of honesty and wisdom, sapphires soon became the preferred gem of medieval royalty and clergy. "Although they can be found in a range of colors, we generally think of them as blue-and it is blue sapphires that have been symbolic of royalty and romance, from Ancient Greece and Rome through the modern era." In ancient cultures, sapphire talismans were thought to have strong medicinal and protective powers because their blue color symbolized the heavens. "Sapphires have been treasured for more than 2,500 years," says Greg Kwiat, CEO of Kwiat Diamonds and Fred Leighton. The meaning behind sapphire engagement rings goes way, way back. Sapphire Engagement Rings in Other Colors.How to Clean a Sapphire Engagement Ring.What to Look for in a Sapphire Engagement Ring.Are Sapphires Good for Engagement Rings?.